Saturday, March 28, 2020

Advertise Tutoring Services - How to Find the Best Ways to Advertise Tutoring Services

Advertise Tutoring Services - How to Find the Best Ways to Advertise Tutoring ServicesMost people searching for the best ways to advertise tutoring services are looking for a way to find a company that offers private tutoring to students who need it. After all, many of these parents are strapped for cash, and they want to ensure that their child gets to take the time they need in order to receive the support they need. And, they are hoping that they won't have to pay for this service if their child can't afford it.The good news is that there are a number of ways to advertise tutoring services. As long as you use a business that has a reputable name in your area, you should be able to find one that is willing to work with you. Plus, you should find out about all of the required requirements needed before you begin advertising.One way to search for a tutor that will work with you is to go online and begin by going to a website that includes a number of schools. This way, you will be ab le to find the best schools to offer private tutoring. Plus, you can also look at the ability of those schools to work with you.Another way to find a tutor who can work with you is to do a search on a search engine. Of course, your first step is to get the contact information for the schools. If you want to be sure that you are working with a legitimate tutor, you want to use an internet search engine, because it will allow you to find schools that provide tutoring, and you can verify them through phone numbers or contact information.A third way to find a tutor is to consult a friend who has used tutoring services in the past. If you know someone who has a particular school they would recommend, then you may find one that will work with you. You may be able to find a school that provides tutoring services to students who need it.Using a professional advertising company is another way to find a reputable tutor. It is important to remember that a company does not work well when they t ry to sell services that are not available to a large number of individuals. Using a company that will work with you and sell a specific product or service is a good way to find the best ways to advertise tutoring services.The best ways to advertise tutoring services are to find a company that has the reputation needed to work with you. After you locate a company that is able to work with you, do a search on a search engine to find out more about the type of school that offers tutoring services. You should be able to find a school that can work with you and help you find the best ways to advertise tutoring services.

Friday, March 6, 2020

How Students Can Apply for and Land a Great Part-Time Job

How Students Can Apply for and Land a Great Part-Time Job The first step in beginning your job hunt is to have a resume prepped and ready to go. In order to get started on the process of making your resume a wonderful one, you can go on your schools website or call and see if your school offers resume workshops and critiques at their career center. If so, bring in a printed copy of your resume and ask for help in making it as great as it can be. Make sure your resume contains all of the required elements, such as your current address, a working phone number that you’d like potential employers to call you on, a list of any previous employers, education, and any skills and accomplishments that will set you apart from the other applicants. For more tips on how to build a standout resume, offers a helpful list on their website. After you’ve prepared your resume, it’s time to start doing the fun part: searching for the job! You might find that you prefer the old-school way of finding a job: going into the business and inquiring if they’re in need of help. This is a good way to go about finding a job. The employers will have a chance to pair a name with your face and it gives you time to leave a great first impression. Dont be downhearted if the employees there simply hand you their business card and tell you to apply online. Its often easier for employers to sort through electronic applications versus paper applications. There are those few rare stores, however, that will hand you a paper application and allow you to start filling it out right then and there. So, if you think it’s a waste of time going into the business, don’t be too quick to discard the idea. There’s also the online path of finding a job. Here is a list of free online job boards where you can search through dozens of jobs in your area: • • • • All of these websites offer an easy way to search through job listings that companies post. You can narrow your search by selecting that you only wish to browse through part-time postings. You can also type in a search term after that to specify what kind of job you’re looking for (ex: waiter, hotel, tech, etc.). Once you’ve found a job that you’re interested in, click on the “apply” link and then follow the instructions that the company posted on how to fill out their applications. Most times, you’ll be linked directly to the company’s website where you can apply online. Don’t forget to attach that shiny resume to your application! The last step is the interview process. If you receive a phone call or an email back from an employer that says theyre interested in hiring you, the next step will be to work out a day where you can meet with them for an interview. Choose a day where you’re not going to have to rush either before or after the scheduled time of meeting. Arrive 15 minutes early, dressed in your best business attire and with printed resume in hand. To avoid wrinkling, a manila file can be used to carry your resume in. During your interview, make sure to relax and be yourself. Smile, be honest, and maintain eye contact. You’ll be asked questions that allow the employer to find out more about you. Some examples of these questions are: • What do you consider to be your greatest strength? • What do you consider your biggest weaknesses? • What’s your dream job? • What would you do if you had an angry customer? • Do you consider yourself a leader? • Why do you want this job? • Why should we hire you? Answer questions like these to the best of your ability. Remember: remain humble and honest but avoid putting yourself in a bad light. Avoid saying your “greatest weakness” is anything that will make employers second-guess if you’re the right choice for the position you are wanting. It usually takes a few days to hear back from the business after the interview. Don’t be nervous; wait patiently and you’ll get that phone call you’re waiting for. If a week or more has passed, it’s alright to call and check on where they’re at in the hiring process. Most employers will appreciate your excitement about the position. After you land a job, pat yourself on the back! You did a lot of work to secure your new job! Happy job-hunting, everyone!

How to choose between teaching in a public or private school

How to choose between teaching in a public or private school There are teaching fundamentals that are relevant in every classroom (lesson planning ? knowledge sharing ? homework marking ?) but the kind of school you teach in can make quite a difference to your working life. There are many types of schools out there but all of them fall into one of two categories: public or private. Choosing which one you work in can affect everything from who, what, and where you teach to how much you get paid. So what are the main differences between public and private schools? And how do you know which might suit you better? Read on to find out. What you need to know about teaching in public schools What are public schools? Public schools are normally run by the government, paid for with taxes, and students are legally required to attend them until the age of about 16 (depending on the country they’re in). As such, students in public schools are children and teens, separated into classes by age or ability, who study a range of key subjects like math, language, science, and humanities. What qualifications do I need to work in a public school? National or local governments will normally require teachers to have specific qualifications in order to work in public schools, whether that’s a Bachelor’s degree, Master’s degree or teaching certificate. The required qualifications will vary from place to place so make sure you double check that any qualification you sign up for will be accepted in the school district you want to teach in. Making sure you get the right qualification will open job opportunities in a whole network of schools that could stretch throughout your state, country, and even overseas. ?? How’s the job security for teachers in public schools? Public school teaching jobs are normally very secure because they are funded by taxpayers. Instead of working for a private employer, you’ll be working for the government and for your local community with all the job protections that come with that. On top of this, public school teachers often have strong unions that can offer advice and support if ever you do run into difficulties at work. As such, you can be pretty confident that as a public school teacher you are part of a standardized system in which workers' rights are well-protected. What’s the salary like for teachers in public schools? In the same vein, you can normally rely on being paid on time and getting a fair salary (relevant to what other teachers in the system earn) in the public school system. There should also be clear pathways for career progression, salary increases, and so on. It’s hard to say whether your salary would be lower or higher in the public or private system because public schools in some areas are better funded than others and there are so many different types of private schools (more details on this below). What are the teaching conditions like in public schools? As students are normally required to attend public school by law, classes are often filled to their maximum capacity and have a diverse social mix of students from different backgrounds. There can be benefits and drawbacks to this, and maximizing the benefits often comes down to good classroom management. For example, in a well-managed classroom, different social backgrounds provide a learning opportunity for all (teachers included!) and large classes provide a lively, social atmosphere. As students (or their families) don’t really have a choice regarding attending public school in some cases you might also need you to put your classroom management skills to use to curb behavior problems and motivate students. Can I teach what I want in public school? In a public school, you will probably have to teach according to a government-approved curriculum. At some levels, this will also involve the responsibility of preparing your students to take exams that could help to define their futures. Overall this will mean that you might not have much freedom in terms of what you teach. Having said that, most public school teachers will still be encouraged to let their natural passion for their topic shine through and personalize their lessons to suit their students’ learning needs. Sign up to Teach Away today for access to the latest teaching jobs around the world. What you need to know about teaching in private schools What are private schools? The main difference between public and private schools is that private schools are run independently of the government so they are in charge of their own curriculum, ethos, and funding. This means that they are often funded by private sources such as parents, students, alumni and donors. Students may be children, teens or adults and study a range of subjects. Beyond that, private schools also cover a variety of functions and there are many different types of private schools, such as: Private schools that follow something equivalent to the public curriculum. Students probably attend these everyday, in place of going to public school, for example, boarding schools. International schools that follow the same (or similar) curriculum as public schools in the “home” country of families that live abroad but want their children to be educated in their native language or education style. Schools for skills that only teach one or a few disciplines such as language or music schools. Schools for communities that tailor their lessons to suit the community needs such as religious schools or military schools. Schools for teaching methods that prioritize types of learning not practised in public schools such as Montessori, Reggio Emilia, and Waldorf (or Steiner) education. Special needs schools that cater to students with disabilities. What do they teach in private schools? After looking at all the different types of schools above you might notice they can get pretty specific, so it follows that the teaching can get pretty specific too. If you’re a teacher with a niche (or looking to develop one) private school teaching might be the way to become an expert in your specialty, whether that is working with kids with special needs, teaching the flute or working with bilingual students. Some private schools stick closely to the standard curriculum, and your job might entail preparing students for the same standardized tests they would take in public school. However, most private schools will offer their teachers more freedom to decide what they teach and how they teach it than public schools do. What are the teaching conditions like in private schools? Private schools often have smaller classes than public schools, making it easier as a teacher to monitor and support students’ learning on an individual level. As the student, or their family, has made a choice to be there you might find they are more motivated to learn than in public school making for a very productive learning environment. (Disclaimer: kids will be kids so this isn’t always the case!) How are private schools run? One of the difficult things about working at a private school is that, ultimately, the school is a business and your students are also the school's clients. You might find that different students (or their families) have a different idea of value for money when it comes to education. Some will prioritize enjoyment, of course, others will be very results focused. On the other hand, your school might prioritize keeping students happy over educational rigor, which can be tough when as a teacher you know that studying is a rewarding, but not always enjoyable, process. As a teacher in a private school, you’ll have to walk the line between pushing your students to achieve and keeping them coming back to class. A good place to start is by working out what your school’s ethos is, and then communicating clearly with your students about what you want to achieve together in the classroom. What qualifications do I need to teach in a private school? As the type of teaching you do in private schools can vary, there are also all kinds of qualifications that might help you work in one. To work in an international school or a boarding school, for example, you may need a teaching license. To work in a language school as an English teacher you might need a TEFL certification. In some cases, private schools also have the authority to hire teachers based on experience alone, so you may not need qualifications at all! A good place to start is by researching the kind of teaching you want to get into and taking a look at what schools in that sector ask from their teachers. What are the working hours like in private schools? If you’re working in a private school your working hours might fall outside the standard 9â€"5. If you teach extracurricular subjects that might mean that your classes happen at lunchtime, evenings, and weekends. There might also be periods of the year, such as school holidays or before exam season, where there is increased demand for your classes. Even if you work in a private school, it might be written into your contract that you need to work the occasional weekend to take kids on trips or supervise out-of-hours activities. What’s the pay like for teachers in private schools? Pay for teachers in private schools really depends on how well-funded that private school is. In some cases, you’ll find that the pay is significantly higher and the school is much better resourced than in a public school. In other cases, they might only have part-time positions for teachers and your pay could fluctuate according to demand for your lessons. Remember, private schools are businesses and there are good and bad business managers out there. This could affect your salary and working conditions. Make sure you do your research before you sign up to work with any private school. Look up online reviews and try to talk to as many teachers who work there as you can to get a realistic idea of what the working conditions and pay are truly like. I’m still not sure whether I’d be better suited to teaching in public or private schools! Well, the good news is there’s nothing to say you can’t do both! There are plenty of TEFL teachers who work abroad in private schools and then return home to get qualified to work in public schools. There are also plenty of public school teachers who get itchy feet and decide to take their career overseas by teaching in private TEFL academies or international schools. You might also find that hopping between public and private school systems helps you advance your career by allowing you to pick up new skills and apply for new positions and promotions. So, keep an open mind. You might find that the perfect choice for you is a blend of both public and private school teaching.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

What Can You Do with Your Major

What Can You Do with Your Major Photo by Jason Bache via The 9th most common major is Psychology. This is an interesting major and is very tough when trying to be anything other than a therapist. You can be a school counselor, clinical counselor, go into advertising, and also go into social services. The 8th major on the list is Nursing. This is known as the largest force in health care. This is obvious the career path you would go into with this major. Go into being a registered nurse because that’s where you’ll make more money salary wise. The 7th most common major is Marketing. The most careers that follow this major are public relations, sales, and advertising. Other jobs that could come from marketing are general management and fashion even. Marketing is a very versatile degree to major in. The 6th major on my list is Elementary Education. This is always a great major due to the lack of people willing to be teachers in today’s economic hardships. I also find this to be the most rewarding job not monetarily but in the fact that you get to teach the generations to come; you help shape America. The 5th most shared major is Criminal Justice. You can do so much with this degree other than becoming a police officer. You can be a lawyer, work for the FBI, a counselor, legal assistant, and even a teacher if you would like. This is a very versatile degree. The 4th major that most students are in is Computer Science. This major may seem like you are only proficient in one category but you can be surprised at all the tasks you can do after completing this degree. The careers you can go into are game development, technical consultant, and even a computer engineer. There are plenty of careers that go along with this major. The 3rd major on the list is Communications. This seems to be a very popular major amongst my friends. This degree would help land a job in a news station as a reporter or even as an anchor. You can also practice law, public relations, advertising, marketing, journalism, become an editor’s assistant, and even human resources. This is another major where you aren’t just stuck doing one thing for the rest of your life if you do not like it. The 2nd most common major on the list is Business Administration. This is definitely the most common amongst my friends. I believe this is the ultimate major for being the number one most versatile. You can get a job almost doing anything with a business degree. You can be a manager, an accountant, public relations, marketing, entrepreneur, and even a fashion merchandising technician. This is a highly recommended major for any exploratory students out there. Now for the first most shared major in the nation, Biology. This is the typical degree for all those doctors out there, but surprisingly, you can do more with it. You can go into healthcare, research, education, and you can go into government work. So if you ever decide you do not want to be in your major and it’s too late to switch out, without becoming a fifth year senior, think of all the other career opportunities you can have with your degree. It can sometimes even be surprising when you have a degree and go into a completely different field. It’s possible so never give up!

Uloop Morning Mix August 16, 2017

Uloop Morning Mix August 16, 2017 (Image: Wikimedia Commons) The president seemed to affirm his earlier comments on the the incidents involving alt-right protesters yesterday in an incendiary news conference at Trump Tower in New York. He once again laid the blame for the violence on both sides and in doing so, drew heavy criticism. Heres the full transcript. Meanwhile, the editor of the UVA student newspaper has changed his stance from an earlier editorial that stated demonstrations by alt-right groups should be allowed to take place near his campus. The woman killed in the weekend violence, Heather Heyer, will be celebrated in a memorial service today. A YOU TUBE STAR LANDS A JOB AS WORLDWIDE SPOKESPERSON FOR UNICEF. Lilly Singh goes by the You Tube handle Superwoman (Image: You Tube screenshot) Call her IISuperwomanII or Lilly Singh, but either way, the You Tube star â€" who has over 12 million subscribers to her channel  â€"  landed a very high profile gig as spokesperson for UNICEF. The 28-year-old was named Global Goodwill Ambassador by the organization yesterday. And while her new gig wont likely require her to step into character as she often does on her videos, she will make videos that raise awareness for childrens education. NPR thinks the appointment is a sign more global organizations will be turning to You Tube to find talent. So keep making those videos in your dorm room! YES, THE CHEETOS RESTAURANT IS REAL. Knife and fork with that? (Image: Scott Ehardt via Wikimedia Commons) The so-called pop-up eatery is open in New York City for a limited time (well, just a few nights, actually) and Business Insider reports that Celebrity chef Anne Burrell will be making culinary creations such as Cheetos Crusted Fried Pickles, Spicy Cheetos Nachos, and Cheetos Sweetos Crusted Cheesecake. All 300 spots available were snapped up in a matter of minutes, according to The Wall Street Journal.  Wonder if they let you take home the leftovers? AND FINALLY, THE KEY TO A GREAT FRESHMAN YEAR MIGHT JUST BE SPONGEBOB? Yep, thats right. University at Buffalo, SUNY student  Trishauna Champagnie breaks it all down for you right here. Theres your morning mix for Wednesday. Now get out there and have a great hump day!

All About Inversion Therapy

All About Inversion TherapyInversion therapy is a new form of exercise for the body that has been created by people who do not like to exercise. This workout gives the body an increased rate of oxygenation, which helps one remain healthier. Inversion therapy, also known as 'sub-orbital' therapy, is similar to swimming in that it causes the body to float slightly below the surface of the water. This is done through the use of pillows under the knees.Inversion therapy can be used by individuals who are not interested in any form of exercise. There are also times when one would want to exercise but cannot afford the expense of renting an exercise room or gym. In this case, an inversion center can be used. The exercises that can be done on inversion centers are very different from regular cardio machines and crunches.Inversion centers are used for the purpose of stretching and strengthening the body. They help in the proper breathing and relaxation of the muscles. It is an effective way of training. Many inversion centers have an instructor that will give the individual training and assistance in doing the exercises that they will do. A large amount of information is available on the internet, which can be used by the individual to find out which gym will be the best place to go to in order to learn the many techniques of inversion therapy.When someone uses an inversion center for the first time, they will be surprised at how flexible their body is. They will not have to worry about being sore or having tight muscles. In order to get the full benefit of the workout, the person will have to move their body out of the starting position and then back into the starting position. Once the body is in this position, the person will experience a lot of tension in the muscles that have been worked out during the workout. As the body gets into the 'inversion' position, the body will become much more flexible. Once the person is in the inversion position, the muscles that wer e worked out will return to their original state and their tone will return to normal.Inversion therapy uses oxygen to assist the body in the process of recovery from injuries and health problems. It has been recognized as a viable treatment method by scientists who are working on ways to restore the circulation of the blood to the heart. The same science can be used to relax the muscles and tissues in the body. This can be used to alleviate pain and help with any number of injuries.Inversion therapy is used by the individual's body chemistry to prevent damage to the body. It is known to improve the overall quality of life for those who are looking to improve their health. For those who have heart conditions, it can be used to relieve pressure and improve the cardiovascular system.Inversion therapy has been proven to increase the amount of oxygen that is present in the body's cells. This oxygen is used to remove toxins from the cells, helping to facilitate cell growth. Oxygen therap y can be used to treat a number of ailments and conditions including allergies, blood circulation problems, depression, brain function, muscle pain, skin problems, and more.

How to Determine Volatility Chemistry - Important Information

How to Determine Volatility Chemistry - Important InformationEveryone who is interested in investing should know how to determine volatility. In other words, the volatility of a particular stock is the amount of movement within the price of that stock over a period of time. Each day, stocks and shares move within a narrow range, but over longer periods of time, stocks can change by as much as five percent or more.For a stock to have high volatility, it has to go up sharply in a very short time. For stocks to remain at a certain level, there must be a sufficient supply of buyers for the stock. This means that a small number of people will drive the price up very rapidly. The volatility is a very good indicator of the overall health of the market, and how good a market is.Usually, the volatility is higher for stocks with higher dividend yields. The reason for this is that the price of stocks tends to fall when there is less liquidity, meaning that there are fewer buyers. A high-yield s tock is an excellent indicator of high volatility, and so it is likely to also be one of the highest yielding stocks around.Any time you are considering whether to buy a stock, or sell a stock, you must look at the volatility. There are two main types of volatility. The first is called cyclical volatility, which has no discernible pattern.The second is called fundamental volatility, which will fluctuate over time. Both of these volatility levels are very important in the equation of investing, because they mean that the stock prices will not go down forever. A stock can hold for years and still go up in value. You can, for example, see a loss begin to stabilize in a stock that was trading at less than $10 per share.To determine volatility, you will need to have access to information about how much cash, as well as interest, was paid out to stockholders. These figures may have been computed and published on a monthly basis. Once you have determined the average monthly payment, you wi ll need to use that number to arrive at the volatility.If you are buying a stock and want to know how much volatility it has had, you must find out from the public companies. Ask them to give you their volatility. Ask them if there have been losses in the past, and if they are willing to provide you with their volatility figure. The figures will show you how much the stock price has moved within a given period of time.

French Grammar Exercises Online and Off

French Grammar Exercises Online and Off Learn French Grammar Rules with These Grammar Exercises ChaptersGrammar Exercise Books to Learn FrenchWebsites for French Grammar ExercisesLearn to Speak French with AppsOther Ways to Learn FrenchLearning French is more than just learning about the particularities of French grammar and studying your verb tables. You need to be able to apply what you have learned in order to speak French like a native. To become fluent, doing exercises will help consolidate what you know and make it easier to use it in your French courses (see 'french courses london' for more info).BLED . You can get a general BLED or a version adapted for various school grades. It has short explanations on very specific grammar points and a lot of exercises to make sure you understand.French verb drillsWant to brush up on “avoir” and “être”, your verbs in -er and -ir and how to conjugate “aperçervoir”? “French Verb Drills” by R. de Roussy de Sales tells you all about regular and irregular verbs, with exercises to perfect your French verb conjugation.Lear n to use your vocabulary and French grammar rulesWant to practice your French words? Here are some good ways to learn new words and improve your French conversation.“French Vocabulary Drills” by David Stillman and Ronnie Gordon has more than 25,000 words grouped into subjects, with five to seven exercises for each subject. And, perhaps more importantly, “French Gender Drills” by Frédéric Bibard will help you remember which of those words are masculine and which are feminine!Take French lessons online on Superprof.Themed French vocabulary lessons and conversation exercises can help you out in everyday situations like ordering at a café. Photo on VisualHuntAnd don’t forget your flash cards. Flash Sticks has an interesting concept with pre-printed sticky notes you can put up all over your house, so you can practise your French vocabulary while cooking, cleaning up the living room or while doing the laundry!You can also use French dictionaries and vocabulary lists to make y our own flash cards. Take small index cards (A5 or A6) and write the English word on one side and the French translation on the other. Don’t forget to write the article with the word so you will learn its French noun gender!Websites for French Grammar ExercisesBook-reading and written exercises are not for you? You prefer to learn French online? Here are some websites with quizzes and exercises to help you speak French:The French verb conjugation bible, the Bescherelle, has a site with quizzes and puzzles to help you with your irregular and regular verbs (and some other points of French grammar). They also have online dictations to help with your listening skills, practice French spelling and make sure you understand how to make your verbs and adjectives agree with your nouns.Conjuguemos has a series of grammar and vocabulary exercises you can do online to test your knowledge. You can practise making sure adjectives and their nouns agree, comparisons and conjugations. It’s reall y a sort of French test geared towards students using their website together with a teacher, but you can do them without being logged in.The Alliance Française, the main institute for learning the French language outside of France, offers a series of exercises to accompany their coursebooks. The site leads to external links that are very colourful and reminiscent of the Internet’s early days, but include various aspects of the language, from grammar to vocabulary (you can learn how to say that someone is angry or sad as well as how to conjugate the present tense of “avoir”).Ciel Bretagne has exercises to help you learn French and practise your grammar.Sadly no longer updated but chock-full of French language content, this site from the BBC offers everything from a test to figure out your level to a quiz of French rugby terms to free French lessons online through a series of tutorial videos.Find yourself a French tutor on Superprof.Learn French adverbs with grammar exercises. Photo credit: dkuropatwa on Visual HuntDone them all? Le Point du Fle has links to French online exercises all over the Internet, organised by subject.French dictations onlineTo improve your spelling and listening comprehension, try doing a dictée - basically, you listen to your teacher reading a text and write down what you hear as best you can. This also improves your grammar as you have to think of things like making sure your adjectives agree and whether you spelled your verb forms correctly. There are online dictation websites that provide audio files and a transcript so you can correct yourself. One of these is on Lawless French   and at French Circles.Learn new words in context with exercises such as dictations and text comprehension. Photo on VisualhuntLearn to Speak French with AppsOf the multitude of language apps out there, here are a few that stand out with their teaching method:Rosetta Stone banks on French immersion. It is entirely in French, with no English explanati ons whatsoever. It relies on images and associations to help you understand, ensuring that you don’t get out of the French “zone” when learning terms and tenses.FluentU takes immersion to the next level. They use actual French videos to illustrate grammatical rules and take language learning far beyond “bonjour!” and “merci!”MindSnacks is an Android and iOS app that teaches French vocabulary using games. There are 9 different types of games for 50 different vocabulary sets.Memrise uses a combination of images and humour to help consolidate your vocabulary - the ultimate in memnotic tricks!Other Ways to Learn FrenchThe best way to learn a language is by immersion. That way, you are sure to learn the French actually used by real people, get up-to-date on current slang, improve your listening comprehension by being confronted with words that are not on a vocabulary list, and become acquainted with French culture.Films and seriesThe best way to learn spoken French is to wa tch French films and series in the original language. If you are just starting to learn your second language, you might want to watch films you already know, so you don’t need to follow the plot but can concentrate on hearing French pronunciation from native speakers. But where to find them? See if your DVDs or Blue-Rays (if you still have any!) have a French language option, or search for French productions on Netflix or other streaming companies. Netflix and Amazon both not only have a selection of foreign films, but also produce their own series together with French productions firms (I can highly recommend Lazy Company). You can also look at the online libraries of various French TV stations, such as Canal +. Some of them will have the latest episode of some of their series available; or at least you can watch and read the news.Watch films in French to improve your understanding and vocabulary. Photo credit: tom.arthur on VisualhuntWatching and reading French newsIf watching f ilms and series can help improve your conversational French and idiom, the news with greatly expand your vocabulary. Again, French TV stations will often post all or part of their news segments online. If you prefer print, turn to the online versions of newspapers such as Le Monde or Le Figaro for free French news. The BBC French language-learning site has a list of French TV and radio for you.French children’s books to help you learn in contextIs this still all too much for you? Are you looking for easy French texts to learn your new language and complement your French lessons? Why not try out children’s books? For absolute beginners, picture books with simple, short sentences are best. For more advanced readers, there are those perennial favourites, “Le petit Prince” by Antoine de St.-Éxupéry, or “Le petit Nicholas” by Jean-Jacques Sempé, illustrated by René Goscinny, of Astérix fame.

Learn The Techniques Of Ballroom Dancing

Learn The Techniques Of Ballroom Dancing Ballroom Dancing Classes ChaptersAbout Ballroom DancingFinding Ballroom Dancing Lessons Near MeWhat is it about Ballroom dancing that beats other dancing styles? Is it the classicism, classiness and elegance of the choreography that sees it continue to gain in popularity or is the fact that a new learner can benefit from getting to know a range of International style dances?Ballet, Country Western Line Dancing and Belly dancing are equally fascinating dance styles, but they don't offer the level of variety in dance moves that you learn from Ballroom dance programs.Formal wedding dance lessons tend to promote private dance lessons in Ballroom to give you confidence ahead of your wedding day. These Ballroom dance lessons will take your abilities to the next level, helping you to gracefully move your body to the sensual or romantic music of your choice whilst entertaining the crowd with your very own choreographed bride and groom dance.Ballroom dances are perfect for your first dance at your wedding. Photo cred it: Dmitry Kolesnikov on VisualHunt SeamDance Teacher 4.96 (24) £25/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors JamieDance Teacher 5.00 (6) £50/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors ErickaDance Teacher 5.00 (1) £25/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors SamuelDance Teacher 5.00 (4) £100/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors FlavioDance Teacher 5.00 (7) £25/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors HakimDance Teacher 5.00 (5) £50/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors HannaDance Teacher 5.00 (4) £30/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors ClareDance Teacher £30/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutorsAbout Ballroom DancingIf, like many, you consider Ballroom as a type of dancing that is slow, boring and old-fashioned, think again. Ballroom dancing covers a whole range of partner dances, which can be performed as a father-daughter wedding dance, your first dance as a married couple, on Broadway, in nightclubs or in a competition.Historically, Ballroom dancing was a popular activity for young adults or teens to do to socialise and meet new people, with numerous romances being sparked from catching one another's eyes across the dance floor. Even now, you don't have to have a dance partner to enjoy these styles of dancing, as you can pair up with new people in class every week or find a long-term partnership thanks to sharing a class schedule with another passionate dancer like yourself.Many of you will be familiar with Ballroom dancing as a style because of the popular television shows like Strictly Come Dancing or Dancing With The Stars, which each involve celebrities with no experience of dance education partnering up with a professional dancer of the opposite sex and learning how to dance a new routine each week. The professional dance instructor teaches them new sequences of steps which make up a completely new dance style, so the novice dancers very quickly learn about the art of dance and what differentiates the styles from one another. As a viewer and fan of a televised dance competition, you may already have heard of the various styles of dance that make up the competitive Ballroom styles category.For something at the opposite end of the spectrum, why not try urban dancing? Check out dance classes near me.List Of Competitive Ballroom Styles Of Dance And Their TechniquesStandard/SmoothWaltz The Waltz was originally a country folk dance that emerged from Austria and the Bavarian region back in the 17th century and was only introduced to the UK at the start of the 19th century. It was the first time that the dance world saw a dance performed closely in hold, with little rises and sways and changes in momentum. The upper body faces the left throughout all figures and steps during the Waltz, and the woman's body leaves the man's whilst extending her head to follow her elbow.Viennese Waltz The Viennese Waltz actually came from France and is one of the oldest Ballroom dances in history. It came to England in the early 1 800s, like the Waltz, and became a popular form of 'old-school' Ballroom dancing. The music that accompanies it is quite fast, which was originally made famous by Josef and Johann Strauss. Key features of this dance are the body moving towards the inside of the turn, displaying a forward and up position to lengthen the shape. Reverse turns and natural turns are used to travel and go around corners.Tango The Tango is a modern Argentine dance that came to life in Buenos Aires and involves walking to the music being played. Couples dance this dance with open and closed embraces with the male leading passionately and the pair brushing against one another during the routine. The dance is centred around a connection between the man and woman around the hips.The Tango involves lots of legwork and brushing past one another during performances. Photo credit: Phototravelography on Visualhunt.comFoxtrot The Foxtrot is an American dance from the early twentieth century which performer Harry Fox is said to be responsible for. The trotting and stepping dance can be performed at various speeds and tempos and includes the couple facing one another with frame rotations from one side to another and direction changes after each measure. There's no rise and fall so the walking steps are quite flat.Quickstep This English dance was established in the 20th century (the 1920s) as a fusion of the Charleston and the Foxtrot. As its name suggests, it is a fast moving dance and is composed of walks, runs, turns, chasses, hops, skips and locks.Latin/RhythmSamba The Samba is a Brazilian dance, their national dance in fact, and it came to Europe via Paris in the 1900s and America shortly after. The modern version of this dance is a little different from its Brazilian roots, as it has now been modified as a partner dance with a slight bounce which comes from the knee.Cha Cha The Cha Cha, or Cha Cha Cha, derives from Haiti and is a combination of the Rhumba and Mambo. Slower than the Mambo, t he Cha Cha is still an energetic and flirty dance that makes use of hip rotations and synchronisation between partners with a Cuban bounce motion.Rhumba The Rhumba is the sexiest, most romantic and positively passionate dances under the Ballroom dancing umbrella. Performed as early as the 1920s, the complex dance has Cuban elements, figure of 8 hip rotations and swivelling feet actions that make up its unique characteristics.Pasodoble The Pasodoble is a Spanish dance by nature, and reflects the country's dramatic bullfights. It is quite heavy on rules, but the principle is that the man leads and plays the role of the matador while the woman represents his cape or the bull itself. The man stomps his foot a lot during a performance to get the bull's attention.Jive The Jive is a fun and lively dance that started off as an African American dance in the 1940s. During this dance, the man leads and the woman effectively entices the man to dance with her. It is more often than not performed to big band music.East Coast Swing Swing, originally named the Lindy Hop, has evolved   lot over the years. This common branch of Swing dance is mainly performed in America and Canada and is very bouncy and energetic, performed to upbeat jazz or big band music.Bolero The Bolero, a Spanish phenomenon, was modified in Cuba and emerged as slow Salsa-like dance with some Tango, Rhumba, Waltz and Foxtrot elements. The idea behind the dance is to represent a couple falling in love and can be danced in hold or in separation.Mambo This Cuban dance was created in the 1900s and made its way to the dance clubs of New York in the late 1940s.Ballroom Dancing Shoes And EquipmentIf you have seen Ballroom dancers on tele or on stage, you will surely have noticed how elegant the female part of the duo looks in her sparkly heels. But how on earth can you dance comfortably in high heeled shoes?If you too want to embrace the glamour of the dancing world, then it is possible to find comfortable shoes t hat are designed specifically for dancing Ballroom or Latin dancing. They don't have to be extravagant, though, you can also find a selection of elegant shoes each offering the ultimate comfort while you perform your steps. Try searching for Ballroom shoes at specialist online retailers. Men can also make a statement with their choice of footwear, opting for vintage styles like those worn by Fred Astaire.Experts recommend that women choose a lower heel, even if you are small against your partner, and suggest that metallic colours are great for beginners as they will match almost any outfit the new student decides to wear them with. Intermediate, semi-professional or professionally-trained dancers may wish to have a collection of footwear to choose from.Ballroom shoes can be elegant and comfortable at the same time. Photo credit: Oneras on Visual hunt / CC BY-SASome of the biggest brands in Ballroom shoe wear are Werner Kern, Electric Ballroom, Roch Valley and RoTate.So girls, if you want to channel your inner Ginger Rogers, Gaynor Fairweather or Karina Smirnoff, then step into those dancing shoes and give us a twirl!Learn about the history of rock n' roll dancing.Finding Ballroom Dancing Lessons Near MeFinding Ballroom dance schools near me  couldn't be easier if you have a computer and an Internet connection. Browse the web to find a range of Ballroom lessons and classes adapted for a newcomer, or you can simply call your local gymnastics centre or dance club to find out about drop-ins and booking classes to participate in.Up and down the country, there are many dance studios offering dance events, dancesport style classes, Latin dance lessons and Ballroom classes at a venue near you. So whether you want to learn how to dance Ballroom in order to eventually compete in a dance championship, or you simply want to take part in the amateur workshops socially and enjoy a hobby that a man and a woman can do together, you should look up a dance teacher now!If tap da ncing appeals to you, read our article! Alternatively, look for various other styles of dancing across the  capital by keying in 'dance classes london' to your search bar.